Thursday, March 30, 2017

BFA Poster

Reading #5

Brand As Voice

"I am large, I contain multitudes."
-Walt Whitman

The shift from corporate identity to branding represents one of the most significant transformations in graphic design in the past two decades. Branding endeavors to codify the personality of an organization by shaping all its utterances. In the brand model, every corporate citizen must be trained to sing in the corporate voice.

In the simplest of terms, while corporate identity programs attempted to manage a look, brand programs attempt to generate a voice.

The voice is a powerful device, and that is why powerful organizations take its modulation seriously.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Reading #4

Paradox on the Graphic Artist

Art is not free. It is freedom within constraints at every level, conscious and unconcious. But then, aesthetics is an art, the art of producing or of feeling pure disinterested pleasure.


A message gives information in a strict sense. That is, an answer or a set of answers that are specific and useful for a specific question.

Graphic art informs about the thing it promotes, it answers questions.

Sensation is the contrary of sensational. The latter is calculable from what we think we know about most ordinary emotiveness.

The more graphic artists make a void in themselves, in order to let themselves be inhabited by the thing, the more the object is faithful to the thing it promotes. This is a fidelity that is not mimetic but inventive.

The paradox is constant but it is obscure.

10 Week Pres